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If + , - , * , / are the notation for subtraction,multiplication,division and addition then 17+15-14*12 / 6 = ?

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+ , - , * , / are the notation for subtraction,multiplication,division and addition respectively.
17 + 15 - 14 * 12 / 6 = ?

posted Apr 7, 2015 by Amarvansh

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2 Answers

+2 votes

17-15*14/12+6 = 5.5

answer Apr 7, 2015 by Sreejith Pottathil
+1 vote

According to given condition
17 - 15 * 14 / 12 + 6
17 - (15*14)/12 + 6
= 17 - 17.5 + 6
= 5.5

answer Apr 8, 2015 by Avantika Agrawal