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In Tennis I'm zero, To Many I'm A Hero. What Am I?

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In Tennis I'm zero, To Many I'm A Hero. What Am I?
posted Jan 22 by Mridul

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I can laugh, I can cry, I can be the flying hero in the sky. I can dress up, I can be a clown, I can be scary, moody or happy next time around. You see me in the magazine and on TV and I get so many haters and that’s okay with me. I can be the devil, I can be a saint, I can do just about anything what you want me to be, and I still get paid. Who am I?

+1 vote

Many call me The Man with the Axe
But I'm not a violent man
I am the ruler (though some challenge the facts)
of a minor, yet important, clan.

I am not a sailor at sea on a ship,
yet a deck is where I can be found.
People say I am a girl's best friend,
but not when my Queen is around!

I am usually seen on a Bicycle's front,
but I can neither peddle nor steer.
I become even stronger if I am named Trump.
Have I made my identity clear?
