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Find The French Connection For Each Clue.

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Find The French Connection For Each Clue
Lets Speak French

  1. Tournament at Roland Garros
  2. In the "12 days of Christmas" there were three of them.
  3. Coffee brewing device called a coffee plunger.
  4. Eggy fried bread.
  5. Potato chips
  6. Natives of Quebec
  7. Hooky
  8. Paris
  9. Giving a high gloss to furniture using shellac dissolved in denatured spirit.
  10. Vegetables sliced obliquely in cooking
  11. British comedy series with two funny women.
  12. 1971 Gene Hackman movie.
  13. Oversized windows.
  14. 1789 uprising against the Bourbons.
  15. Emmanuel Macron.
  16. Neighborhood of New Orleans.
  17. A condom
  18. Coiled brass music instrument
  19. Cote D'Azur'.
  20. A decorative stitch made by winding the thread many times around the needle.
  21. A baguette.
  22. Ladies tap pants.
  23. Marquis De Lafayette.
posted Jun 2, 2022 by Ritika

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