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Jacob is 12 years old. He is 3 times as old as his brother. How old will Jacob be when he is twice as old?

+2 votes
Jacob is 12 years old. He is 3 times as old as his brother. How old will Jacob be when he is twice as old?
posted Feb 16, 2014 by anonymous

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2 Answers

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if jacob's age is 12,
12 = 3B
4 = B, so the brother is 4

how old will jacob be when he is twice as old as his brother?
Let that be x years from now. So in x years from now,

Jacob will be 12+x and his brother will be 4+x

12+x = 2(4+x)

12+x = 8+2x

4 = x

So that will be 4 years from now

So Jacob will be 12+4 or 16 and his brother will be 4+4 or 8.

Answer: Jacob will be 16.

answer Mar 30, 2014 by Hiteshwar Thakur
0 votes

jacob 12
his bro-4
now 12+x=(4+x)*2
so x=4
so jacob age 16

answer Jul 23, 2014 by Jogendra Sahoo