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Riddle: A king, queen, and two twins all lay in a large room. How are there no adults in the room?

+3 votes
Riddle: A king, queen, and two twins all lay in a large room. How are there no adults in the room?
posted Aug 25, 2014 by Nikita Sehgal

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5 Answers

+6 votes

these r the names of the beds king size queen size and twin sharing

answer Aug 26, 2014 by anonymous
+1 vote

They are all Dolls..........................

answer Mar 14, 2015 by Varghese Anthony
–1 vote

The king and the queen are fraternal twins, but they are ruling at a young age because their parents died early, there's no queen/king regent, and they are too young to be married.

answer Dec 4, 2016 by anonymous
–3 votes

Two twins are playing cards.

answer Aug 26, 2014 by anonymous
–5 votes

There are no adults in the room because A king ,queen and two twins all lay in a large room,not in "Room" !

answer Aug 26, 2014 by anonymous

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