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Take away my first letter, take away my second letter, take away all my letters and I would remain the same.What am I?

+1 vote
Take away my first letter, take away my second letter, take away all my letters and I would remain the same.What am I?
posted Aug 31, 2017 by Yogeshwar Thakur

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2 Answers (Check Answer ▼)

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+4 votes

Take away my first letter and I am a store.
Take away the second and people who look at me adore.
Put all my letters back and read me in reverse if you are able.
I am now cars suspended from an overhead cable.
Take a letter away and I become male sheep.
Did you get it, or did the letters you try to keep?

+1 vote

I am a five letter word.
If you take away my first letter I will sound same,
if you take away my last letter I will still sound same,
Even if you take away my middle letter I will still sound the same.
What am I?

0 votes

Begin with a word, five letters to my name,
Remove the first and last but I am the same
Take out my middle and still, I remain.
What word am I?

+1 vote

I am a five letter word and am feared by most but experienced by all.
If you remove my first and last letters I bring life.
If you add an ‘r’ between the third and fourth letters I am almost nothing and
if you remove the first letter from this new word, I am your home.

What am I?
