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The following are alternate definitions for words, based on how the words sound.Can you guess the words described below?

+1 vote

The following are alternate definitions for words, based on how the words sound. For example, "To drive by the docks: P _ _ _ _ _ _ _." would result in "PASSPORT (Pass Port)". Can you guess the words described below?

  1. What white bears see with: P _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
  2. A car's memoirs: A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
  3. How judges get to a small island: C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
  4. To live long: D _ _ _ _ _.
  5. How good a fibber one is: L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
  6. In favor of young men and women: P _ _ _ _ _ _.
posted Dec 14, 2016 by Rahul Vaidya

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