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Two workmen were repairing a roof. Suddenly, they both fell................dirty man did not and went back to work. Why?

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Two workmen were repairing a roof. Suddenly, they both fell down the chimney and found themselves in the large fireplace.
One man`s face was smeared with soot and one was not. The one with the clean face washed his and the dirty man did not and went back to work. Why?

posted Dec 29, 2015 by Maninder Bath

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2 Answers

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When the two men looked at each other, the clean man thought his face was dirty as well. The dirty man, looking at the first`s face, thought his was clean.The two men were a little idiot though.

answer Dec 29, 2015 by Subhrojeet Das
0 votes

When the two men looked at each other, the clean man thought his face was dirty as well. The dirty man, looking at the first`s face, thought his was clean

answer Sep 13, 2017 by Mogadala Ramana

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