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What strategy do you use to remove the ice cube from the water glass?

+1 vote

You are enjoying your breakfast after having put some salt on your scrambled eggs when your nerdy brother presents you with an ice cube floating in a glass of water and a short length of string. He challenges you to remove the ice cube from the glass using the string without tying any knots.
What strategy do you use to remove the ice cube from the water glass?

posted Nov 17, 2015 by Maninder Bath

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First Clue: this is not related to the area of a circle (pi r squared). What's interesting about pi, is that it comes in 2 forms: digital (3.14159....) and degrees of a 1/2 circle (180 degrees). And a sine wave is an incredibly beautiful curve found everywhere in nature.

Once you get the answer, memorize it and how you arrived at it. And it will serve as a reference for problem solving in wave mechanics.

Remember, according to the De Broglie Wave Equation, everything in the entire Cosmos travels as both a wave and a particle. And sine waves, or approximations to sine waves, are the standard form of travel representing everything from light waves, sound waves, to waves on an ocean.

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Moral of the story: Sine Waves rule! And to figure out how powerful they are you must know how to integrate the area/volume.
Second Clue: "integrate".

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