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Find three number such that? When we multiply three numbers, we will get prime number and diff between second & first..

+2 votes

Find three number such that?

  • When we multiply three numbers, we will get prime number.
  • The difference between second and the first number is equal to third and second.
posted Oct 16, 2015 by Madhavi Latha

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5 Answers

+2 votes

Answer is: 1, -1, -3

Multiplication is 3 which is prime number.
Difference between 1 & -1 is 2
Difference between -1 & -3 is 2

answer Oct 19, 2015 by Tapesh Kulkarni
0 votes

....The numbers DO NOT EXIST....
There are NO three numbers which when multiplied give a prime number.
coz, A prime number is a number which is divisible by one and itself, so if you get "this number" means it can be divisible by 1 and the other number.....contrary to its definition...

answer Oct 17, 2015 by Justine Mtafungwa
0 votes

What about 2, 1 and -1. Multiplication is a prime number but not sure my answer is correct or not...

answer Oct 17, 2015 by Salil Agrawal
the product is -2 which is not prime...
remember prime number is a whole number divisible by 1 and itself....negative number is not a whole number............
i would say the numbers are -3, -1, 1 coz product is 3 which is prime(first condition) &
-1--3=1--1=2(second condition)

but -3 is not a number, it reads "negative of number three" just means "you don't have number 3 which you need" its like you have a debt of number 3....

if negatives were numbers we wouldn't say a prime  number is divisible by only two and itself...
I think -3, -1 and 1 is correct as the multiplication should be prime individual numbers can be anything.
But wonderful finding, will you like to answer the question :)
yes bro, I did

second answer.....
0 votes

or 1,3,1
1, ( pprime number), 1

answer Apr 16, 2016 by anonymous
–1 vote

The answer may be 211...
Difference between 2 and 1 is 1

answer Oct 17, 2015 by Avina M
these are two numbers and what is needed is three numbers........
1=1, so 1 and 1 are not two numbers.....the are one number

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