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What is minimum education qualification to become MLA (Member of Legislative Assembly) or MP (Member of Parliament)?

+2 votes
What is minimum education qualification to become MLA (Member of Legislative Assembly) or MP (Member of Parliament)?
posted Oct 28, 2014 by Nierja

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2 Answers

+2 votes

There is no minimum education requirement to become an MLA or an an MP. However there are few requirement which are required to contest MLA or MP election -

  1. One should be an Indian citizen.
  2. One should be atleast Twenty Five Years old.
  3. One should be registered as a voter in India (not necessary in same state or constituency)
  4. Must not be convicted for some offence and sentenced to imprisonment for 3 years (including appeal in higher court)
  5. Should make a security deposit (as of now it is 25K INR/ SC-ST it is 12.5K INR for an MP and 10K/5K for MLA)
  6. If contesting as an independent or unrecognized party then require ten proposer else four.
  7. One can not context more then two seats in an election.
  8. One should not be on any government job or on the role of any government function.
answer Oct 28, 2014 by Salil Agrawal
please confirm the minimum qualification for MLA candidate
0 votes

India is moving towards digital India and another side, there is no education required to become the President, the PM, an MP or MLA in our country. The Constitution while mentioning the various eligibility conditions does not mention anything about educational qualification.

Result of uneducated Candidate: MLA was not able to pronounce a word during the swearing-in ceremony.

In 2015, Bihar election, during the swearing-in ceremony, Lalu Prasad’s elder son, Tej Pratap Yadav, was interrupted twice by Governor Ram Nath Kovind and asked to repeat his oath after he mispronounced a word.

“It’s apekshit, not upekshit,” Governor told the Yadav, as he had to read his script twice.

Why educational qualification required for Panchayat elections?? May be rule makers knows?

In December 2014, the Rajasthan government brought educational qualification in the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj (Second Amendment) Ordinance 2014, which provides for a minimum qualification of 10th standard for contesting the Zilla Parishad or Panchayat Samiti polls and eighth standard to contest Sarpanch elections. Punjab and Haryana, Both states are also following the same educational qualification.

Why this difference? May be Sarpanch and Panchayat Samiti candidates are not powerful like President, the PM, an MP or MLA or they are not the rule makers.

Why different rules for a voter and candidate? May be Election Commission of India knows?

A Politician can fight Elections from two seats, but a voter can’t vote from two places.

Voter can’t vote, If voter are in jail but a politician can fight Elections while in jail

If voter have ever been in jail then you can never get a Govt. job but Politician could have been in jail any numbers of times and then also he can become PM or President.

answer Nov 21, 2016 by anonymous