1. Antarctica is world’s driest, windiest, emptiest, coldest place on earth where You cannot work unless your wisdom teeth and appendix are removed even if these are healthy.
2. Antarctica is the fifth largest continent on Earth with the area of 14.0 million squre kilometers.
3. Antarctica approximately has 70% of all fresh water on Earth in the form of Ice. Which covers 99% of Antarctica and The average thickness of Antarctic ice is about 1.5 kilometer.

4. Continent was first discovered in 1820, before that people never imagined Antarctica as Continent rather a group of islands.
5. South Pole exist in Antarctica and Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen was the first human to reach the South Pole.
6. By looking at the frigileness of the evnirnment at Antarctica world agrees that this continent should be used only for peaceful and research purpose. Till now 48 Nations has signed the Antarctic Treaty till date to dedicate the continent to peaceful research activities only.

7. Emile Marco Palma was the first child born on Antarctica in January 1979, .
8. Antarktica has a bar, a Fire Department and a Nuclear Power Station.
9. Antarctica (technically) contains every timezone on the planet including a day change line which means date is different on both side of line.

10. Despite being the coldest place on earth, there are 1150 different species of fungi identified to survive in Antarctica.
11. 53 million years ago, Antarctica was so warm that palm trees lived along its shores.
12. Like some countries the continent of Antarctica has its own domain which is called .aq