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Who was the founder of the Slave dynasty in India? List of rulers name would be helpful?

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Who was the founder of the Slave dynasty in India? List of rulers name would be helpful?
posted Oct 14, 2015 by anonymous

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2 Answers

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Qutb-ud-din Aybak

Slave Dynasty is also called as Mamluk Dynasty which was founded by Qutb-ud-din Aybak, a Turkic general from Central Asia, into Northern India. It was the first of five unrelated dynasties to rule India's Delhi Sultanate from 1206 to 1290. The beauty of the dynasty was that it its ruler were slave before becoming the ruler.

List of Rulers
1) Qutb-ud-din Aibak (1206 to 1210)
2) Aram Shah (1210 to 1211)
3) Shams-ud-din Iltutmish (1211 to 1236)
4) Rukn-ud-din Feroze (April 1236 to November 1236)
5) Razia al-Din titular name Jalâlat-ud-dîn Raziyâ Sultana (1236 to 1240) also first female Muslim ruler in Inda
6) Muiz-ud-din Bahram (1240 to 1242)
7) Ala-ud-din Masud (1242 to 1246)
8) Nasir-ud-din Mahmud (1246 to 1266)
9) Ghiyath-ud-din Balban (1266 to 1287)
10) Muiz-ud-din Muhammad Qaiqabad (1287 to 1290)

Fall of Empire
The Khilji dynasty came into power with ruler as Jalal ud din Firuz Khilji who overthrew last Slave dynasty rulers, Muiz ud din Qaiqabad.

answer Oct 15, 2015 by Salil Agrawal
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The Slave dynasty(1206-90) was founded by Quṭb al-Dīn Aibak, a favourite slave of the Muslim general and later sultan Muḥammad of Ghūr.

answer Feb 24, 2016 by Sanoj Kumar