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The 50.5 km Channel Tunnel, built under the English Channel or, in France, La Manche, to link the UK and France........

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The 50.5 km Channel Tunnel, built under the English Channel or, in France, La Manche, to link the UK and France with road and rail access was finally opened in 1994. When was the first official Anglo-French protocol established to create the railway aspect of the link?

posted Feb 8 by Pankaj Deshmukh
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An idea was first proposed in 1802 in France for a tunnel under the Channel between the two countries to accommodate horse-drawn coaches. This was followed by further French exploration of the idea of a tunnel and a proposal to Napoleon III. There were English proposals in 1865 and explorations including pilot tunnels were made during the rest of the century. In 1974 work officially started on both sides of the Channel, but political and cost considerations brought the UK side to an abrupt halt; construction was not started again until 1988. The service tunnel broke though at the end of 1990.

answer Feb 12 by Varuna Magar

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