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Who was the first to be credited with the opinion which led eventually to a quote describing history as a set of lies...

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Who was the first to be credited with the opinion which led eventually to a quote describing history as a set of lies agreed upon?

posted Sep 20, 2022 by Rahul Vaidya

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Bernard Le Bovier de Fontenelle, 1724
Fontenelle's remark was "there are no ancient histories other than these (Greek) fables", quoted by Helvétius as "we may, after M. de Fontenelle, assert, that history is only a fable, which people consider as true", [by Voltaire in 1768 as "we ought to distrust all ancient histories. Fontenelle ... declared that they were fables agreed upon"], expanded by Bonaparte as "the truth of history? A fable agreed upon", and by Phillips as a "series of lies agreed upon, which we so often mistake for history". Another take on history in “Esar’s Comic Dictionary”(1943) included the definitions: "An account, mostly false, of events, mostly unimportant; Something that never happened, written by a man who wasn’t there; A series of lies agreed upon."

answer Sep 21, 2022 by Anuradha Tabyal
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