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What is the advantage of NEET exam in India and why some states are/were agitating?

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What is the advantage of NEET exam in India and why some states are/were agitating?
posted Jul 15, 2017 by Kaderesan M

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NEET is a single exam which is replacing the various medical entrance test run by various states and universities.

One common examination for admission into almost all of the MBBS colleges in India.
The students will be free and relaxed after appearing in only one exam.
No need to apply for several entrance examinations.
Stress-level will be considerably reduced.
Substantial financial savings for parents.
NEET will avoid unnecessary wastage of time, effort & money.
Since the admission criteria does not include Board marks (apart from minimum eligibility), a student must prepare in a focused manner for NEET.

Why states are opposing
Education fell under “State Subject” and now it is being usurped by the Central government in order to cover the failure of Central government and some State governments in providing education to the people. The better off States which have developed higher education will pay a price in terms of reduced seats and clout in determining who gets access to the available seats in the state which is the prime reason for opposing the NEET by some states other then local politics and investment of politicians in the local medical institute.

answer Jul 18, 2017 by Salil Agrawal
Thank u sir
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