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Who is popularly known as 'Father of Indian Cinema'?

+3 votes
Who is popularly known as 'Father of Indian Cinema'?
posted Feb 11, 2016 by Sahana

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2 Answers

+1 vote

Dadasaheb Phalke or Dhundiraj Govind Phalke popularly known as Dadasaheb Phalke

He was an Indian producer-director-screenwriter, known as the Father of Indian cinema.

Why he is called Father of Indian Cinema
He was probably the first one to perceive the importance of cinema and its future. He had made 95 movies and 26 short films in his career spanning 19 years, till 1937.
An award called The Dadasaheb Phalke Award, for lifetime contribution to cinema, was instituted in his honour by the Government of India in 1969. The award is one of the most prestigious awards in Indian cinema and is the highest official recognition for film personalities in the country.A postage stamp bearing his face was released by India Post to honour him in 1971. An honorary award from the Dadasaheb Phalke Academy Mumbai was introduced in the year 2001, for lifetime achievement in Indian cinema.

answer Feb 20, 2016 by Gunjan Saraswat
0 votes

Dadasaheb Phalke

answer Feb 21, 2016 by Aavishkar Kumar