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What is the meaning of GST Migration and when it's started ?

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What is the meaning of GST Migration and when it's started ?
posted Jun 16, 2017 by Durga Prasad

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GST Migration starts From 15-November-2016 for Gujarat State, Once Dealer will login on Gujarat Commercial Tax Department Portal using his Login Id (VAT TIN) and credentials, It will show pop-up window which will show details of GSTN Provisional Id and Temporary password on screen to enrol on GSTN Portal.

GST Migration is a ''every person to whom a certificate of registration has been issued under subsection (1) shall, within the period specified under sub-section (2), furnish such information as may be prescribed.'' And '' on furnishing of such information, the certificate of registration issued under subsection (1) shall, subject to the provisions of section 19, be granted on a final basis by the Central/State Government. '' Its called GST migration.

Note: GST Migration of registration of all the existing registrant under Central Excise, Service tax and VAT began from 8th November 2016 starting from the state of Puducherry and Sikkim. For every state schedule for enrolment is given and initially taxpayers who are registered in respective State Vat law are allowed to migrate themselves in GST at common GST portal. Enrolment of existing taxpayers who are registered under Central Excise or Service Tax Law but not in State Vat Law can apply for migration from 1st January to 31st January 2017.

answer Jun 17, 2017 by Prachi