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What is the Zero Date Of Project Management?

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What is the Zero Date Of Project Management?
posted Jun 16, 2017 by Prachi

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Zero Date Of Project Management

Zero Date of a Project means a date is fixed from which implementation of the project begins. It is a starting point of incurring cost. The project completion period is counted from the zero date. Pre-project activities should be completed before zero date. The pre-project activities should be completed before zero date.

The pre-project activities are:
(a) Identification of project/product
(b) Determination of plant capacity
(c) Selection of technical help/collaboration
(d) Selection of site.
(e) Selection of survey of soil/plot etc.
(f) Manpower planning and recruiting key personnel
(g) Cost and finance scheduling.

answer Jun 17, 2017 by Mukul Chag