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​Income-tax is levied on the income of every person. As per Income-tax Law what constitutes income?

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​Income-tax is levied on the income of every person. As per Income-tax Law what constitutes income?
posted Nov 13, 2017 by Sherlyn Mishra

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Under the Income-tax Law, the word income has a very broad and inclusive meaning. In case of a salaried person all that is received from an employer in cash, kind or as a facility is considered as an income. For a businessman his net profit will constitute his income. Income may also flow from investments in the form of Interest, Dividend, Commission, etc. Further, income may be earned on account of sale of capital assets like building, gold, etc.

Income shall be computed as per relevant provision of Income-tax Act, 1961 which lays down detail condition for computation of income chargeable to tax under various heads of income​

answer Nov 14, 2017 by Adarsh