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What are the different categories of GST in India?

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What are the different categories of GST in India?
posted Jul 5, 2017 by anonymous

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These 4 categories of goods and services are as follows:

Exempted Categories under GST in India.
The GST and council and other GST authorities notifies list of exempted goods. Such goods are not fallen under payment of GST tax. The authorities may modify or amend the list time to time by adding deleting any item if required by notification to public.

Essential Goods and Services of GST in India
Essential category of goods and services are charged very lower GST rate. Essential goods and services are the goods and services for necessary items and items under basic importance.

Standard Goods and Services for GST in India
A major share of GST tax payers falls under this category of Standard Goods and Services. A standard rate of GST is charged against the goods and services under this category.

Special Goods and Services for GST tax levy
Under special category of goods and services, GST rates would be high. Precious metals including luxury items of goods and services fall under special Goods and Services for GST rate implementation.

answer Jul 7, 2017 by Prachi