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Can someone please explain JFrog Docker Integration? How it can optimize Release process for Big projects?

+3 votes
Can someone please explain JFrog Docker Integration? How it can optimize Release process for Big projects?
posted Jul 8, 2015 by Amit Kumar Pandey

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JFrog provides a full image management solution.

JFrog Artifactory used by the development team to manage their and 3rd party images: It proxies remote registries like DockerHub and other private registries and serves as a private registry for the images being created by the team. Except the unique proxying ability it also features a powerful authentication and authorization features, repository replication, integration with existing enterprise infrastructure, support for almost every development platform (like Java, .Net, Ruby, JS, Phyton and what's not), support for other operation aspects, like management of rpm and deb images, vagrant boxes and more. It is the only registry that provides a clustered HA topology.

JFrog Bintray is an enterprise-grade distribution platform that integrates with JFrog Artifactory to distribute the images both inside and outside the organization. It provides unique features for both the distributor (such as real-time logs, stats and business insights and entitlements, which are a must for distributing proprietary software) and for the consumer (such as streaming the images over Akamai and CloudFront CDNs to provide top download speeds), and of course supports more than only Docker images.

answer Jul 8, 2015 by Baruch Sadogursky