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Centos Kernel boot fail

0 votes

I installed today and had some boot issues.

After rebooting, the system locked immediately after the Asus motherboard logo. I thought at first that it was a hardware issue because it didn't appear that grub even loaded. I wasn't even able to get into the BIOS to change the boot order so it appeared that it was a hardware issue. I reset the MB BIOS and rebooted, which allowed me to get into the BIOS. Everything looked normal. I then tried to boot and the same issue. I repeated the BIOS clear and this time got to grub and let it load the latest kernel (2.6.32-358.14.1.el6). It hung again. I repeated the BIOS clear, go to the grub screen, selected the previous kernel and everything was fine.

Once I got to the OS, I removed the "rhgb quiet" from grub.conf from the newest kernel. Rebooted. Hung again immediately after loading. The weird thing is that I couldn't just power down and get back to grub; I
had to clear the BIOS again before I could even load grub to select the previous kernel.

Anyone else experiencing issues with the latest kernel? Any idea why it seems to even corrupt the BIOS?

posted Jul 26, 2013 by Sonu Jindal

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2 Answers

+1 vote

I have a two ASUS "M5A99X EVO R2.0" motherboard based machines that I use for testing CentOS and I have booted the 2.6.32-358.14.1.el6.x86_64 and the kernels on both machines without any issues.

answer Jul 27, 2013 by Jagan Mishra
0 votes

non-CentOS drivers? Are these from the OEM? Theyprobably need to be rebuilt to the new kernel.
Have you tried booting into "safe" mode or with video drivers disabled?
Just how you do that with CentOS I don't know but there should be instructions somewhere on the WEB.

answer Jul 28, 2013 by anonymous
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