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What is Smartness of Smarty CMS in PHP? Is it any alternative for it now in market?

+2 votes
What is Smartness of Smarty CMS in PHP? Is it any alternative for it now in market?
posted Mar 13, 2015 by Amit Kumar Pandey

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Rails seems to have a whole whack of them and I'm not sure which ones match my requirements. The library must:

  • be fully themeable; the overall layout is going to be made from scratch
  • allow custom content for pages (i.e. a developer-made page)
  • allow defining of different types of posts with different fields/data
  • support image upload for at least pages and preferably posts as well
  • be relatively easy to extract post content outside the CMS (e.g. for use in sending an e-mail digest)

Preferably it should:
- Be compatible with Rails 4
- allow individual pages to be user-edited with HTML/CSS after they've been created

Can anyone recommend one for me?
