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Best way of iterating over object member fields in PHP?

0 votes

I came across a bug in some of my code, where I do something like the following:

$obj = new MyObject();

foreach ($obj as $key=>$value)

 echo $key;

Note that I don't use $value in the loop - I'm only doing processing based on the field name.

Now my IDE flags this unused variable as a hint, so (on autopilot) I changed it to be

$obj = new MyObject();
foreach (array_keys($obj) as $key)
 echo $key;

Which removes the hint, and looks like the right sort of thing. Of course this doesn't work: "array_keys() expects parameter 1 to be an array, object found".

So what is the correct way to list the field names of an object?

posted Sep 3, 2014 by anonymous

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Two ways depending on whether you want to get them from the class definition or what the object actually contains:

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

You could use get_object_vars

So something like the following may work

$obj = new MyObject();
foreach (array_keys(get_object_vars($obj)) as $key)
 echo $key;
answer Sep 3, 2014 by Sonu Jindal
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