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How do I execute a function after a three seconds of event fired?

0 votes

I need to execute a function while mouse hover.But i want to execute only when mouse hover for over 2 or 3 seconds.Or else i don't want to execute the function.

posted Aug 4, 2014 by Madhavi Latha

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1 Answer

+2 votes

You must have heard of setTimeout() function in javascript.. it accepts a timeout and a callback function as arguments. When you execute setTimeout function, it waits for the timeout secs and then executes the callback function.

In your specific case, you can have a flag variable which gets set when the mouse enters and unset then the mouse leaves. And then also execute setTimeout with mouse enter event, When the callback function of setTimeout executes , it should check the flag status before performing the desired operation.

answer Aug 5, 2014 by Shyam Purkayastha
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I tried the following code.Both onpaste() and Oncopy() will trigger when user trying to copy or paste.

But my problem is while copying something window.getSelection() not working.

Window.getSelection() is used to get the selected data.

I mean before copying something user need to select some values.So,using this window.getselection() we will get the value what they are selected.

Here, my problem is window.getselection() will work in oncopy but not working in onpaste.

Check the below examples and help me to solve the problem.

Also ,is there any alternative method also please let me know.I also tried window.clipboardData.But not getting the solution for this.

<!doctype html>
    textarea {
        border:2px solid #999;

<script src=""></script>

    <script type="text/javascript">

        function OnPaste () {                                                                       
            var selection = window.getSelection();          
        function OnCopy() {         
            var selection = window.getSelection();

// Call the OnCopy function while user trying to copy 
document.oncopy = OnCopy;

// Call the OnPaste function while user trying to Paste
document.onpaste = OnPaste;

    Select some text, copy it to the clipboard and try to paste it to the following fields:
    <br /><br />
    <textarea size="40" value="Copy and Paste operation is enabled">
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jQuery(function ($) { var userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var browserVersion = (userAgent.match(/.+(?:rv|webkit|khtml|opera|msie)[\/: ]([\d.]+)/) || [0, '0'])[1]; var isIE6 = (/msie/.test(userAgent) && !/opera/.test(userAgent) && parseInt(browserVersion) < 7 && (!window.XMLHttpRequest || typeof (XMLHttpRequest) === 'function')); var body = $('body'); var currentSettings; var callingSettings; var shouldResize = false; var gallery = {}; var fixFF = false; var contentElt; var contentEltLast; var modal = { started: false, ready: false, dataReady: false, anim: false, animContent: false, loadingShown: false, transition: false, resizing: false, closing: false, error: false, blocker: null, blockerVars: null, full: null, bg: null, loading: null, tmp: null, content: null, wrapper: null, contentWrapper: null, scripts: new Array(), scriptsShown: new Array() }; var resized = { width: false, height: false, windowResizing: false }; var initSettingsSize = { width: null, height: null, windowResizing: true }; var windowResizeTimeout; $.fn.nyroModal = function (settings) { if (!this) return false; return this.each(function () { var me = $(this); if (this.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'form') { me.unbind('submit.nyroModal').bind('submit.nyroModal', function (e) { if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) return false; if ('nyroModalprocessing')) return true; if (this.enctype == 'multipart/form-data') { processModal($.extend(settings, { from: this })); return true } e.preventDefault(); processModal($.extend(settings, { from: this })); return false }) } else { me.unbind('click.nyroModal').bind('click.nyroModal', function (e) { if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) return false; e.preventDefault(); processModal($.extend(settings, { from: this })); return false }) } }) }; $.fn.nyroModalManual = function (settings) { if (!this.length) processModal(settings); return this.each(function () { processModal($.extend(settings, { from: this })) }) }; $.nyroModalManual = function (settings) { processModal(settings) }; $.nyroModalSettings = function (settings, deep1, deep2) { setCurrentSettings(settings, deep1, deep2); if (!deep1 && modal.started) { if ( && settings.bgColor) currentSettings.updateBgColor(modal, currentSettings, function () { }); if (modal.contentWrapper && settings.title) setTitle(); if (!modal.error && (settings.windowResizing || (!modal.resizing && (('width' in settings && settings.width == currentSettings.width) || ('height' in settings && settings.height == currentSettings.height))))) { modal.resizing = true; if (modal.contentWrapper) calculateSize(true); if (modal.contentWrapper &&':visible') && !modal.animContent) { if (fixFF) modal.content.css({ position: '' }); currentSettings.resize(modal, currentSettings, function () { currentSettings.windowResizing = false; modal.resizing = false; if (fixFF) modal.content.css({ position: 'fixed' }); if ($.isFunction(currentSettings.endResize)) currentSettings.endResize(modal, currentSettings) }) } } } }; $.nyroModalRemove = function () { removeModal() }; $.nyroModalNext = function () { var link = getGalleryLink(1); if (link) return link.nyroModalManual(getCurrentSettingsNew()); return false }; $.nyroModalPrev = function () { var link = getGalleryLink(-1); if (link) return link.nyroModalManual(getCurrentSettingsNew()); return false }; $.fn.nyroModal.settings = { debug: false, blocker: false, windowResize: true, modal: false, type: '', forceType: null, from: '', hash: '', processHandler: null, selIndicator: 'nyroModalSel', formIndicator: 'nyroModal', content: null, bgColor: '#000000', ajax: {}, swf: { wmode: 'transparent' }, width: null, height: null, minWidth: 400, minHeight: 300, resizable: true, autoSizable: true, padding: 25, regexImg: '[^\.]\.(jpg|jpeg|png|tiff|gif|bmp)\s*$', addImageDivTitle: false, defaultImgAlt: 'Image', setWidthImgTitle: true, ltr: true, gallery: null, galleryLinks: '<a href="#" class="nyroModalPrev">Prev</a><a href="#"  class="nyroModalNext">Next</a>', galleryCounts: galleryCounts, galleryLoop: false, zIndexStart: 100, cssOpt: { bg: { position: 'absolute', overflow: 'hidden', top: 0, left: 0, height: '100%', width: '100%' }, wrapper: { position: 'absolute', top: '50%', left: '50%' }, wrapper2: {}, content: {}, loading: { position: 'absolute', top: '50%', left: '50%', marginTop: '-50px', marginLeft: '-50px'} }, wrap: { div: '<div class="wrapper"></div>', ajax: '<div class="wrapper"></div>', form: '<div class="wrapper"></div>', formData: '<div class="wrapper"></div>', image: '<div class="wrapperImg"></div>', swf: '<div class="wrapperSwf"></div>', iframe: '<div class="wrapperIframe"></div>', iframeForm: '<div class="wrapperIframe"></div>', manual: '<div class="wrapper"></div>' }, closeButton: '<a href="#" class="nyroModalClose" id="closeBut" title="close">Close</a>', title: null, titleFromIframe: true, openSelector: '.nyroModal', closeSelector: '.nyroModalClose', contentLoading: '<a href="#" class="nyroModalClose">Cancel</a>', errorClass: 'error', contentError: 'The requested content cannot be loaded.<br />Please try again later.<br /><a href="#" class="nyroModalClose">Close</a>', handleError: null, showBackground: showBackground, hideBackground: hideBackground, endFillContent: null, showContent: showContent, endShowContent: null, beforeHideContent: null, hideContent: hideContent, showTransition: showTransition, hideTransition: hideTransition, showLoading: showLoading, hideLoading: hideLoading, resize: resize, endResize: null, updateBgColor: updateBgColor, endRemove: null }; function processModal(settings) { if (modal.loadingShown || modal.transition || modal.anim) return; debug('processModal'); modal.started = true; callingSettings = $.extend(true, settings); setDefaultCurrentSettings(settings); if (!modal.full) modal.blockerVars = modal.blocker = null; modal.error = false; modal.closing = false; modal.dataReady = false; modal.scripts = new Array(); modal.scriptsShown = new Array(); currentSettings.type = fileType(); if (currentSettings.forceType) { if (!currentSettings.content) currentSettings.from = true; currentSettings.type = currentSettings.forceType; currentSettings.forceType = null } if ($.isFunction(currentSettings.processHandler)) currentSettings.processHandler(currentSettings); var from = currentSettings.from; var url = currentSettings.url; initSettingsSize.width = currentSettings.width; initSettingsSize.height = currentSettings.height; if (currentSettings.type == 'swf') { setCurrentSettings({ overflow: 'visible' }, 'cssOpt', 'content'); currentSettings.content = '<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-**********" width="' + currentSettings.width + '" height="' + currentSettings.height + '"><param name="movie" value="' + url + '"></param>'; var tmp = ''; $.each(currentSettings.swf, function (name, val) { currentSettings.content += '<param name="' + name + '" value="' + val + '"></param>'; tmp += ' ' + name + '="' + val + '"' }); currentSettings.content += '<embed src="' + url + '" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="' + currentSettings.width + '" height="' + currentSettings.height + '"' + tmp + '></embed></object>' } if (from) { var jFrom = $(from).blur(); if (currentSettings.type == 'form') { var data = $(from).serializeArray(); data.push({ name: currentSettings.formIndicator, value: 1 }); if (currentSettings.selector) data.push({ name: currentSettings.selIndicator, value: currentSettings.selector.substring(1) }); showModal(); $.ajax($.extend({}, currentSettings.ajax, { url: url, data: data, type: jFrom.attr('method') ? jFrom.attr('method') : 'get', success: ajaxLoaded, error: loadingError })); debug('Form Ajax Load: ' + jFrom.attr('action')) } else if (currentSettings.type == 'formData') { initModal(); jFrom.attr('target', 'nyroModalIframe'); jFrom.attr('action', url); jFrom.prepend('<input type="hidden" name="' + currentSettings.formIndicator + '" value="1" />'); if (currentSettings.selector) jFrom.prepend('<input type="hidden" name="' + currentSettings.selIndicator + '" value="' + currentSettings.selector.substring(1) + '" />'); modal.tmp.html('<iframe frameborder="0" hspace="0" name="nyroModalIframe" src="javascript:\'\';"></iframe>'); $('iframe', modal.tmp).css({ width: currentSettings.width, height: currentSettings.height }).error(loadingError).load(formDataLoaded); debug('Form Data Load: ' + jFrom.attr('action')); showModal(); showContentOrLoading() } else if (currentSettings.type == 'image') { debug('Image Load: ' + url); var title = jFrom.attr('title') || currentSettings.defaultImgAlt; initModal(); modal.tmp.html('<img id="nyroModalImg" />').find('img').attr('alt', title); modal.tmp.css({ lineHeight: 0 }); $('img', modal.tmp).error(loadingError).load(function () { debug('Image Loaded: ' + this.src); $(this).unbind('load'); var w = modal.tmp.width(); var h = modal.tmp.height(); modal.tmp.css({ lineHeight: '' }); resized.width = w; resized.height = h; setCurrentSettings({ width: w, height: h, imgWidth: w, imgHeight: h }); initSettingsSize.width = w; initSettingsSize.height = h; setCurrentSettings({ overflow: 'visible' }, 'cssOpt', 'content'); modal.dataReady = true; if (modal.loadingShown || modal.transition) showContentOrLoading() }).attr('src', url); showModal() } else if (currentSettings.type == 'iframeForm') { initModal(); modal.tmp.html('<iframe frameborder="0" hspace="0" src="javascript:\'\';" name="nyroModalIframe" id="nyroModalIframe"></iframe>'); debug('Iframe Form Load: ' + url); $('iframe', modal.tmp).eq(0).css({ width: '100%', height: $.support.boxModel ? '99%' : '100%' }).load(iframeLoaded); modal.dataReady = true; showModal() } else if (currentSettings.type == 'iframe') { initModal(); modal.tmp.html('<iframe frameborder="0" hspace="0" src="javascript:\'\';" name="nyroModalIframe" id="nyroModalIframe"></iframe>'); debug('Iframe Load: ' + url); $('iframe', modal.tmp).eq(0).css({ width: '100%', height: $.support.boxModel ? '99%' : '100%' }).load(iframeLoaded); modal.dataReady = true; showModal() } else if (currentSettings.type) { debug('Content: ' + currentSettings.type); initModal(); modal.tmp.html(currentSettings.content); var w = modal.tmp.width(); var h = modal.tmp.height(); var div = $(currentSettings.type); if (div.length) { setCurrentSettings({ type: 'div' }); w = div.width(); h = div.height(); if (contentElt) contentEltLast = contentElt; contentElt = div; modal.tmp.append(div.contents()) } initSettingsSize.width = w; initSettingsSize.height = h; setCurrentSettings({ width: w, height: h }); if (modal.tmp.html()) modal.dataReady = true; else loadingError(); if (!modal.ready) showModal(); else endHideContent() } else { debug('Ajax Load: ' + url); setCurrentSettings({ type: 'ajax' }); var data = || {}; if (currentSettings.selector) { if (typeof data == "string") { data += '&' + currentSettings.selIndicator + '=' + currentSettings.selector.substring(1) } else { data[currentSettings.selIndicator] = currentSettings.selector.substring(1) } } showModal(); $.ajax($.extend(true, currentSettings.ajax, { url: url, success: ajaxLoaded, error: loadingError, data: data })) } } else if (currentSettings.content) { debug('Content: ' + currentSettings.type); setCurrentSettings({ type: 'manual' }); initModal(); modal.tmp.html($('<div/>').html(currentSettings.content).contents()); if (modal.tmp.html()) modal.dataReady = true; else loadingError(); showModal() } else { } } function setDefaultCurrentSettings(settings) { debug('setDefaultCurrentSettings'); currentSettings = $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.nyroModal.settings, settings); setMargin() } function setCurrentSettings(settings, deep1, deep2) { if (modal.started) { if (deep1 && deep2) { $.extend(true, currentSettings[deep1][deep2], settings) } else if (deep1) { $.extend(true, currentSettings[deep1], settings) } else { if (modal.animContent) { if ('width' in settings) { if (!modal.resizing) { settings.setWidth = settings.width; shouldResize = true } delete settings['width'] } if ('height' in settings) { if (!modal.resizing) { settings.setHeight = settings.height; shouldResize = true } delete settings['height'] } } $.extend(true, currentSettings, settings) } } else { if (deep1 && deep2) { $.extend(true, $.fn.nyroModal.settings[deep1][deep2], settings) } else if (deep1) { $.extend(true, $.fn.nyroModal.settings[deep1], settings) } else { $.extend(true, $.fn.nyroModal.settings, settings) } } } function setMarginScroll() { if (isIE6 && !modal.blocker) { if (document.documentElement) { currentSettings.marginScrollLeft = document.documentElement.scrollLeft; currentSettings.marginScrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop } else { currentSettings.marginScrollLeft = document.body.scrollLeft; currentSettings.marginScrollTop = document.body.scrollTop } } else { currentSettings.marginScrollLeft = 0; currentSettings.marginScrollTop = 0 } } function setMargin() { setMarginScroll(); currentSettings.marginLeft = -(currentSettings.width + currentSettings.borderW) / 2; currentSettings.marginTop = -(currentSettings.height + currentSettings.borderH) / 2; if (!modal.blocker) { currentSettings.marginLeft += currentSettings.marginScrollLeft; currentSettings.marginTop += currentSettings.marginScrollTop } } function setMarginLoading() { setMarginScroll(); var outer = getOuter(modal.loading); currentSettings.marginTopLoading = -(modal.loading.height() + outer.h.border + outer.h.padding) / 2; currentSettings.marginLeftLoading = -(modal.loading.width() + outer.w.border + outer.w.padding) / 2; if (!modal.blocker) { currentSettings.marginLeftLoading += currentSettings.marginScrollLeft; currentSettings.marginTopLoading += currentSettings.marginScrollTop } } function setTitle() { var title = $('h1#nyroModalTitle', modal.contentWrapper); if (title.length) title.text(currentSettings.title); else modal.contentWrapper.prepend('<h1 id="nyroModalTitle">' + currentSettings.title + '</h1>') } function initModal() { debug('initModal'); if (!modal.full) { if (currentSettings.debug) setCurrentSettings({ color: 'white' }, 'cssOpt', 'bg'); var full = { zIndex: currentSettings.zIndexStart, position: 'fixed', top: 0, left: 0, width: '100%', height: '100%' }; var contain = body; var iframeHideIE = ''; if (currentSettings.blocker) { modal.blocker = contain = $(currentSettings.blocker); var pos = modal.blocker.offset(); var w = modal.blocker.outerWidth(); var h = modal.blocker.outerHeight(); if (isIE6) { setCurrentSettings({ height: '100%', width: '100%', top: 0, left: 0 }, 'cssOpt', 'bg') } modal.blockerVars = { top:, left: pos.left, width: w, height: h }; var plusTop = (/msie/.test(userAgent) ? 0 : getCurCSS(body.get(0), 'borderTopWidth')); var plusLeft = (/msie/.test(userAgent) ? 0 : getCurCSS(body.get(0), 'borderLeftWidth')); full = { position: 'absolute', top: + plusTop, left: pos.left + plusLeft, width: w, height: h} } else if (isIE6) { body.css({ marginLeft: 0, marginRight: 0 }); var w = body.width(); var h = $(window).height() + 'px'; if ($(window).height() >= body.outerHeight()) { h = body.outerHeight() + 'px' } else w += 20; w += 'px'; body.css({ width: w, height: h, position: 'static', overflow: 'hidden' }); $('html').css({ overflow: 'hidden' }); setCurrentSettings({ cssOpt: { bg: { position: 'absolute', zIndex: currentSettings.zIndexStart + 1, height: '110%', width: '110%', top: currentSettings.marginScrollTop + 'px', left: currentSettings.marginScrollLeft + 'px' }, wrapper: { zIndex: currentSettings.zIndexStart + 2 }, loading: { zIndex: currentSettings.zIndexStart + 3}} }); iframeHideIE = $('<iframe id="nyroModalIframeHideIe" src="javascript:\'\';"></iframe>').css($.extend({},, { opacity: 0, zIndex: 50, border: 'none' })) } contain.append($('<div id="nyroModalFull"><div id="nyroModalBg"></div><div id="nyroModalWrapper"><div id="nyroModalContent"></div></div><div id="nyrModalTmp"></div><div id="nyroModalLoading"></div></div>').hide()); modal.full = $('#nyroModalFull').css(full).show(); = $('#nyroModalBg').css($.extend({ backgroundColor: currentSettings.bgColor },;'click.nyroModal', clickBg); modal.loading = $('#nyroModalLoading').css(currentSettings.cssOpt.loading).hide(); modal.contentWrapper = $('#nyroModalWrapper').css(currentSettings.cssOpt.wrapper).hide(); modal.content = $('#nyroModalContent'); modal.tmp = $('#nyrModalTmp').hide(); if ($.isFunction($.fn.mousewheel)) { modal.content.mousewheel(function (e, d) { var elt = modal.content.get(0); if ((d > 0 && elt.scrollTop == 0) || (d < 0 && elt.scrollHeight - elt.scrollTop == elt.clientHeight)) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation() } }) } $(document).bind('keydown.nyroModal', keyHandler); modal.content.css({ width: 'auto', height: 'auto' }); modal.contentWrapper.css({ width: 'auto', height: 'auto' }); if (!currentSettings.blocker && currentSettings.windowResize) { $(window).bind('resize.nyroModal', function () { window.clearTimeout(windowResizeTimeout); windowResizeTimeout = window.setTimeout(windowResizeHandler, 200) }) } } } function windowResizeHandler() { $.nyroModalSettings(initSettingsSize) } function showModal() { debug('showModal'); if (!modal.ready) { initModal(); modal.anim = true; currentSettings.showBackground(modal, currentSettings, endBackground) } else { modal.anim = true; modal.transition = true; currentSettings.showTransition(modal, currentSettings, function () { endHideContent(); modal.anim = false; showContentOrLoading() }) } } function clickBg(e) { if (!currentSettings.modal) removeModal() } function keyHandler(e) { if (e.keyCode == 27) { if (!currentSettings.modal) removeModal() } else if ( && modal.ready && modal.dataReady && !modal.anim && !modal.transition) { if (e.keyCode == 39 || e.keyCode == 40) { e.preventDefault(); $.nyroModalNext(); return false } else if (e.keyCode == 37 || e.keyCode == 38) {   }