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How to print value of variable of makefile ?

+6 votes
How to print value of variable of makefile ?
posted Oct 29, 2013 by Mona Sharma

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1 Answer

0 votes

Use echo

foo = abc.c xyz.c

     echo $(foo)
answer Oct 30, 2013 by Salil Agrawal
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My code has this structure:

class Example(wx.Frame,listmix.ColumnSorterMixin):
 def __init__(self,parent):


 def InitUI(self): 

when a button is clicked this function is called and i take the self.id_number which is a number

 def OnB(self, event):
 self.id_number = self.text_ctrl_number.GetValue()
 aa = latitude[int(self.id_number)]
 bb = longitude[int(self.id_number)]

I want to pass the variables aa and bb to a different script called application. This script by calling it with import, automatically pop up a window. I need by clicking the button that is linked with OnB definition to pop up the window from the other script as it does when i am running it alone and display lets say for example the variables aa and bb, how can I do it
