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What is the charging policy entity in NR?

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Is that same as PCRF?

posted Apr 30, 2019 by Himani

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I am going through the spec 3gpp 29.219(Sy interface) and trying to understand the call flow and AVPS between the OCS and PCRF.

The PCRF sends the the list of Policy counters to OCS initially and OCS will store it against the Sy session. How does the Counter identifiers be identified uniquely b.w OCS and PCRF ?

Because the spec says, If the OCS determines that any policy counter identifiers are invalid, the OCS shall return a response with the Result-Code AVP set to DIAMETER_INVALID_AVP_VALUE.

But my doubt is, how the Policy counter Ids are known across the OCS and PCRF.

Any help in this area is very helpful


+3 votes

In the CCA message sent by the PCRF to PGW during the Initial Attach, may have "Charging-Rule-Base-Name" Or "Charging-rule-Name". I think "Charging-rule-Name" is sent as part of the Charging-Rule-Install , where the Rule is sent from the PCRF to PGW. "Charging-Rule-Base-Name" is sent as part of the preinstalled rules in the PGW.

Now the question is if the PCRF is getting integrated to thirdparty PGW. In this case how PCRF knows about the names installed in the PGW ?

thanks a lot for the responses and hints
