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How to positioning image banner on a wordpress site?

0 votes

In my wordpress site I have a picture in header section. On a full screen it looks ok but on mobile and when minimized the picture is on the left of the page. I would like it to be on the right. I thought that maybe I had to use CSS to reposition it so I did the following:
.widget-header img { float: left; } to .widget-header img { float: right; }
in hopes that it would work. However nothing seems to have changed. Can anybody help me how I fix this problem?

posted Jul 24, 2017 by anonymous

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1 Answer

0 votes

Style parent of img from float:left to float:right

@media screen and (max-width: 728px){
  .widget-header {
    max-width: 100%;
    float: right; //change this
    margin-top: 0;
answer Aug 20, 2017 by Shyam Chakraborty
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