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What is the differences between bounce rate and pogo sticking?

+2 votes
What is the differences between bounce rate and pogo sticking?
posted Jul 7, 2017 by Sherlyn Mishra

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1 Answer

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The differences between bounce rate and pogo sticking:

Bounce rate: Bounce rate is defined as "the percentage of visitors who visit a single page on a website." A high bounce rate isn't always bad, as it can mean that while the visitor didn't travel deeper into a site, he did spend some time on the page and get an answer to his question. He may have bookmarked the page, or shared it on Facebook, but since he didn't read more, it constitutes a bounce.

Pogo sticking: Pogo sticking occurs when a user performs a search, clicks on a result, very quickly clicks back to the search result page, and clicks on a different result. This type of behavior is a direct result of immediate dissatisfaction in the search result, and—unlike bounce rate—pogo sticking is always a bad thing.

answer Jul 20, 2017 by Manikandan J