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How to add text with alt tags on images in Wordpress?

0 votes

I building a website on Wordpress. When I add this below code

$(document).ready(function() {  
$('#readerareaimg img').each(function(){
var filename = $img.attr('src')
$img.attr('title', filename.substring((filename.lastIndexOf('/'))+1, filename.lastIndexOf('.')));
$img.attr('alt', filename.substring((filename.lastIndexOf('/'))+1, filename.lastIndexOf('.')));

My website will generate alt and title tags automatically on images based on their file name, but I want to add any word or text before the file name. For example file name is phoneimg.jpg and it will display alt="phoneimg", but I want that alt to become alt="read phoneimg". How can I do this?

posted Jun 5, 2017 by Nemai Jana

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1 Answer

0 votes

You can use '+' sign in the where you put value of attribute.

$img.attr('alt', 'required word'+filename.substring((filename.lastIndexOf('/'))+1, filename.lastIndexOf('.'))); 


$img.attr('alt',filename.substring((filename.lastIndexOf('/'))+1, filename.lastIndexOf('.'))+'required word');
answer Jun 21, 2017 by Debaprasad Maity
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    'JPS Mailing List',
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