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Reconnecting to the wifi automatically for Android device?

+1 vote

The Settings application takes care of showing up an interface which helps to connect to a WIFI. Switching off the router will disconnect the phone from WIFI.
Now, on switching the router back on, who takes care of reconnecting to this WIFI automatically? Is it the Settings application or is it done at the framework level?

posted Sep 16, 2013 by Abhay Kulkarni

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1 Answer

+1 vote

It is done in the Setting applications. If you import the project to eclipse. It will have all the compilation errors because settings application will use internal classes which is located in frameworks folder in build system.

answer Sep 16, 2013 by Seema Siddique
Could you point out where in Settings its done?
Note : I am want to know about automatic re-connection in the background to an already configured network. ( Not connecting through the Settings interface.)
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