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Is there a good screen printing program that runs on Win-7

+1 vote

Something that just sends a screen directly to the printer without having to involve Notepad or the like? I am unable to find a search function on the updated Yahoo group.

posted Sep 9, 2013 by Dewang Chaudhary

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Use Snipping Tool. It's in Accessories. .
I didn' t make myself clear.   I would like a tool that sends the screen directly to the printer and not to some file someplace.      

2 Answers

+1 vote
answer Sep 10, 2013 by Ahmed Patel
+1 vote

The best free screen printing program I have come across is "Greenshot". It gets launched with print-screen, gives control to user to choose the area to be printed and directly sends the output to various options, including clipboard and printer. It really makes life easier. Download it from below link:

answer Sep 10, 2013 by Raj Verma
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