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Performance tuning of session and workflow in Informatica?

+2 votes

How to tune the session, workflow for better performance, what are the things we consider for better performance?

posted Mar 2, 2016 by Amit Sharma

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1 Answer

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Partitioning, line sequential buffer length, tracing level as terse, collect performance data as enabled, commit interval are some of the pointers for session level performance tuning.

Make sure the Sorted Inputs enabled for Joiner, Lookup and Aggregate transformations in workflow. Use Dynamic cache for lookups whenever needed otherwise cache takes more spaces (instead of cache)

answer Mar 3, 2016 by Manikandan J
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When I look at many of the workflow last sessions runs in the workflow monitor I see the number of records that are picked by the transformation is different than the number of records that get updated or inserted in the target table.

For example my sql transformation picks 80,742 rows from the source table. but only 29,813 rows get loaded into the target table.

On further analyzing the workflow log file I can see it loaded both insertable records and updatable records:

WRT_8036 Target: W_SALES_ORDER_LINE_F (Instance Name: [W_SALES_ORDER_LINE_F]) WRT_8038 Inserted rows - Requested: 15284
 Applied: 15284 Rejected: 0 Affected: 15284 WRT_8041 Updated rows - Requested: 14529 Applied: 14529 Rejected: 0 Affected: 14529 

WRITER_1_*_1> WRT_8035 Load complete time: Wed Mar 19 04:41:24 2014

I am not able to figure out why would the workflows load lesser records than what source sql gives. and I would really appreciate some help in this matter.

