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Google Chrome Crashes Unity Desktop

0 votes

I installed Ubuntu 14.04 LTS on on an Acer Aspire 5715Z (Intel T2390 with 2Gb of RAM). I am experiencing a weird problem:

Every time I open Google and visit the Extensions Gallery, the whole Unity Desktop crashes. Restarting the LightDM service doesnt help and I have to reboot the machine.

I tried to delete the profile directory under $HOME/.local/google-chrome/ - same...

Another weird problem - every time I enter the desktop I have to unlock the Login Keyring, although I have changed the password to a blank password....

Any pointer would be helpful.

posted Mar 17, 2015 by Abhay

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1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

The first thing I would try is disabling Chrome hardware acceleration, at Settings: Show advanced settings: (un-check) Use hardware acceleration when available.

I would not expect it to be related to the Login Keyring problem though, unless that was crash damage. (And I don't have any advice about this second problem.)

answer Mar 17, 2015 by Sanketi Garg
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