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How do you construct an increment statement or decrement statement in C?

+1 vote
How do you construct an increment statement or decrement statement in C?
posted Dec 2, 2014 by Vinitha

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3 Answers

+1 vote

There are actually two ways you can do this. One is to use the increment operator ++ and decrement operator –. For example, the statement “x++” means to increment the value of x by 1. Likewise, the statement “x –” means to decrement the value of x by 1. Another way of writing increment statements is to use the conventional + plus sign or – minus sign. In the case of “x++”, another way to write it is “x = x +1″.

answer Dec 2, 2014 by Shivaranjini
0 votes

Lets take a variable
int A;
different ways to write :
A += 1;
A = A + 1;

answer Dec 2, 2014 by Bheemappa G
0 votes

Here is few example for the same.

int a;
a++; (post increment)
a--; (post decrement)
++a; (pre increment)
--a; (pre decrement)

answer Dec 2, 2014 by Chirag Gangdev
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+2 votes

I'm a relative newbie to python, and this NG, but it's certainly growing on me.

One thing I'm missing is the increment/decrement operator from C, ie x++, and its ilk. Likewise x += y.

Is there any way of doing this in Python?
