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Problems with apache downgrade

0 votes

There was an upgrade on a couple of our servers yesterday, mid-afternoon our time, of httpd and httpd-devel, and suddenly SiteMinder (bleah) stopped working correctly, and is now pegging a cpu, according to top. So, as a last resort, I tried downgrading both of them. When I did so, the server that uses ssl *erased* mod-ssl, not downgrading it, and I'll have to find where I can get the previous version tomorrow... but that
shouldn't happen, I should think. Downgrade *should* get everything, unless it's brand new, and this isn't.

posted Jul 11, 2013 by anonymous

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1 Answer

+1 vote

In a previous life we had to use SiteMinder as well. It pegs top because it's trying to dump a log file but it doesn't deal with the permissions properly. If I recall correctly it tries to dump to /var/log/httpd, but as the apache user, not as root. Once the apache user has access to write the log to where it's configured, it'll spool out the memory it's using and the load will drop after a while.

answer Jul 12, 2013 by anonymous
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