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Paging v/s Segmentation ?

+3 votes
Paging v/s Segmentation ?
posted Sep 19, 2014 by Harshita

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2 Answers

+1 vote

Paging – Computer memory is divided into small partitions that are all the same size and referred to as, page frames. Then when a process is loaded it gets divided into pages which are the same size as those previous frames. The process pages are then loaded into the frames.

Segmentation – Computer memory is allocated in various sizes (segments) depending on the need for address space by the process. These segments may be individually protected or shared between processes. Commonly you will see what are called “Segmentation Faults” in programs, this is because the data that’s is about to be read or written is outside the permitted address space of that process.

Paging is transparent to programmers(system handles it automatically).
Segmentation requires programmer to be aware of memory limits as programmer.

I hope, it is clear. I case of further doubts, let me know.
Please correct me , If I am wrong

answer Sep 19, 2014 by Aarti Jain
+1 vote

Paging – memory is divided into small chunks called frames that are all the same size. Then when a process is loaded it gets divided into pages which are the same size as frames. The process pages are then loaded into these frames based on the demand paging...

Segmentation – The address space is typically divided into a preset number of segments like data segment (read/write), code segment(read-only), stack(read/write) etc. And the programs are divided into these segments accordingly. Logical addresses are represented as tuple <segment, offset>.

Advantages of paging - reduced fragmentation and easy memory management.
Advantages of Segmentation - better security

Most of the current OS have combination of both the techniques i.e. Linux/Max/Windows etc

answer Sep 19, 2014 by Salil Agrawal