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jar command missing in Fedora 19?

0 votes

I just installed Fedora 19 anew from the live cd and I'm having a few issues. One is that I'm trying to install a java application that requires the jar command, but jar can't be found:

jar xf myApp.jar 
bash: jar: command not found...

I have this:

rpm -qa | grep -i java

Shouldn't jar be in one of these? If not, could someone please tell me what package provides that?

posted Jul 5, 2013 by anonymous

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2 Answers

0 votes

It's in the "-devel" package, for instance


To look for a specific file

yum provides */the_file

in this case

yum provides */bin/jar
answer Jul 5, 2013 by anonymous
Thank you! Very useful "yum provides" command.

Incidentally, I went to file manager and clicked on myApp.jar, opened it  with archive manager, selected the files I needed and it extracted them, so I gues that can handle java archives too.
0 votes

jar xf myApp.jar
thats not the right command to launch a java app, you surely mean
java -jar yourappname.jar ....

answer Jul 5, 2013 by anonymous
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