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Possible to expose a Tomcat Realm instance through JNDI ?

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In my web app, I'd like to re-use the (server-wide) Tomcat Realm that is already being used for HTTP Basic authentication but couldn't find a way how to get hold of the actual Realm instance.

I spent quite some time looking for a solution (complicated by the fact that most Google hits actually referred to the LDAP authentication realm) but found none. Is there a "config-file-only" solution or do I need to dig into the Tomcat source code and come up with my own JNDI ObjectFactory to achieve this ?

posted Jun 11, 2013 by anonymous

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What are you actually trying to accomplish? Do you want to authenticate a user, or get information about an authenticated user?

1 Answer

0 votes

I don't think there is a HTTP Basic authentication realm. The authentication type is declared in the of your web.xml and can be used in conjunction with a number of different realm implementations.

Exactly what do you mean by re-use? Does this mean you are doing authentication from within your web app?

answer Jun 11, 2013 by anonymous
My application is exposing a SOAP service (through Spring-WS servlet) for which I want to do method-level access control. Since the service endpoint already uses container-based HTTP Basic authentication, I'd
like to reuse the realm implementation (and configuration, obviously) my own code to get hold of the user's roles.

I just found HttpServletRequest#getUserPrincipal() , maybe I can just downcast the result to org.apache.catalina.realm.GenericPrincipal and invoke getRoles() on this... ugly, but well... ;)
I think I now understand your issue. I was faced with a similar problem and could not figure out how to get the roles of an authenticated user through the servlet API.

It seems to only allow the question 'request.isUserInRole(role)'. But does not seem to provide a way to get a list of roles that the user is in.

I used a kludge whereby I defined the valid roles in a context init parameter (bad duplication of effort). Then used 'request.isUserInRole(role)'. I did not think to cast the 'request.getUserPrincipal()' return value.
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