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What is short-circuit operator in Java?

+2 votes
What is short-circuit operator in Java?
posted Sep 11, 2017 by anonymous

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1 Answer

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The logical operators && and || is known as short circuit operators in Java as they don't evaluate right-hand side until it is necessary. Example:

  • false && (some expression): here evaluation of some expression is not necessary because F && (T) = False and compiler works smartly here.

  • The Same case is with logical OR (||) operators, T || F = True but if it F || T then it will evaluate right-hand side expression too to check whether it is true or false.

Note: Don't confuse with bitwise AND and OR because both sides evaluated here as it performs operations on bit level of both side expressions.

answer Sep 12, 2017 by Shivam Kumar Pandey
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