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LTE : Dedicated Bearer Establishment and Termination with multiple dedicated bearers from multiple application?

+1 vote

Question 1.
In case 3 different bearers ( 1 Default + 1 dedicated for Youtube + 1 dedicated for Skype ) are established and after some time the Youtube Policy is removed from GGSN then will the established bearer will be terminated?

Question 2.
Suppose there is a requirement of giving the same QOS to set of application ( Youtube and Whatsapp ) then will there be only one dedicated bearer for both application or two dedicated bearers will be established?

If one bearer is established for both the application then what if the user stops using one of the applications or the policy is removed from GGSN for one application, will the dedicated bearer be terminated?

posted Jan 25, 2017 by anonymous

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1 Answer

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The answer to your questions for all the three cases are left for the operator's discretion.

What I understand is that if the operator assigns Youtube, Skype and Whatsapp , all to one PDN and allocates a Default EPS Bearer ( to assign IP Address ) and a dedicated EPS Bearer ( with Non-GBR QoS for Internet access ), that thats all you are going to have.

If the operator assigns a separate PDN for streaming and multimedia service then you may have to connect to a separate PDN to access Youtube.

How the Bearers will be allocated is totally decided by operator. The specifications only provide provisions to add, modify and delete them based on operator defined policies.


answer Jan 26, 2017 by Shyam Purkayastha
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