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Is cd command is a built-in function or a script

+2 votes

We all know that cd is a built-in function of whatever shell you're using.

$ cat /usr/bin/cd
builtin cd "$@"

Does anybody know why this file exists?

posted Sep 12, 2013 by Sheetal Chauhan

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2 Answers

+1 vote

I believe it's a backwards-compatibility thing. IIRC, System7's Bourne shell didn't have a built-in "cd" command (or several others). Some scripts probably still look for that file (and the others).

It's been superfluous for a long time, but time has proven that when you take away something like that, eventually something breaks or someone gripes about it.

answer Sep 12, 2013 by Jai Prakash
No. "cd" has always been a builtin; it does not work otherwise. Think it through.
0 votes
~]$ cat /usr/bin/cd
cat: /usr/bin/cd: No such file or directory

~]$ which cd
/usr/bin/which: no cd in
answer Sep 12, 2013 by Meenal Mishra
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I am running below script on sles 11 and getting different output.

PID=$(/bin/ps aux | grep sro-rest | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}')
echo "PID = $PID"
. /etc/rc.status
PID=$(/bin/ps aux | grep sro-rest | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}')
echo "PID = $PID"


PID = 2453

After debugging, I get to know that once we run . /etc/rc.status then output of ps aux is getting short.
See below script for example,

echo "Before ==================================> "
/bin/ps aux | grep java | grep -v grep
. /etc/rc.status
echo "After ==================================> "
/bin/ps aux | grep java | grep -v grep

Output :

Before ==================================>
root      2453  4.9  7.8 8496196 615020 ?      Sl   Jun05  60:31 /usr/java/jre1.8.0_77//bin/java -Djava.library.path=/opt/sro/lib -Dserver.port=50000 -jar /opt/sro/ui/lib/sro-rest-SNAPSHOT.jar
After ==================================>
root      2453  4.9  7.8 8496196 615020 ?      Sl   Jun05  60:31 /usr/java/jre1.8.0_77//bin/java -Djava.l

Can anyone explain why different behavior for the same command?
