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How to find the median of simple linked list and add a node after it?

+2 votes

How to find the median of simple linked list and add a node after it? C program would be helpful?

posted Dec 29, 2015 by anonymous

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1 Answer

+1 vote

This pseudo-code holds for a Single Linked list:
1. init two pointers(p1,p2) at head of the linked list
2. p2 traverses twice as fast as p1
3. For each iteration and;
4. if p2==null or return middle element = p1
5. Repeat Step 2
6. return p1
This pseudo-code holds for adding node after getting p1 as median
if(p1==null)enter code here
add node at p1
store next node of p1 in temp
add new node at
add temp at
Complexity : O(n)+1

answer Dec 29, 2015 by Rajan Paswan
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